Training before and during Pregnancy and Training Postpartum

Training before and during Pregnancy and Training Postpartum


Clinical evidence shows that fitter women tend to have easier pregnancies and shorter deliveries with fewer complications. Many women also find that exercise during pregnancy helps alleviate fatigue and keep energy levels up. In addition, exercise has been shown to reduce subcutaneous (under the skin) fat associated with extra caloric intake during pregnancy. Thus, regular and moderate exercise during pregnancy can have many positive effects.

One of the most typical problem encountered by pregnant women is back pain. Their centre of gravity shifts and extra weight is added over nine months. They tend to slouch their shoulders and arch the lower back to compensate for these changes, which leads to discomfort. This could be avoided if you are into weight training before pregnancy, thus having strong back and abs.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy makes the joints more flexible to accommodate stress of delivery. So weight training before pregnancy ensure that injury does not occur.

Extra precautions should be taken while exercising during pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to overheating during exercise. Monitoring temperature, avoiding exercise in hot and humid environment, loose clothing, and drinking lots of water are most important consideration to be taken care.

There are many myths about when to start exercising after pregnancy like it can affect milk production, or effects on uterus etc etc. Regular postnatal exercise reduces or eliminates most of the unpleasant postpartum symptoms of physical and mental stress, depression, as well as promoting a faster recovery.
Exercising as early as possible postpartum will bring you back in shape faster.

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